Umbrella Project (2011)

The Umbrella Project is about interconnectivity, strangers, storytelling, the murmurings of a city, and the glimmers of human kindness reflected in the puddle of a rainy day.
In the Autumn of 2011/12, in association with Pilot Theatre and Loughborough University, and supported by Future Everything and Arts Council England, theatre maker Hannah Nicklin worked with musician Simon Goff to produce a city-wide story collecting project. The stories collected were made into several soundwalks scored across the streets of York.
The Umbrella Project gathered stories from all across York, it then brought these stories together to find a voice for York; recorded via umbrellas in the rain. Sound experiences that anyone can contribute to, left behind as traces in the rain. Umbrellas handed out to strangers in need of them and then passed on. What do you have to say?