18 in 2018

Pilot Theatre are working with 17 year olds to tell the story of what it is like to turn 18 in 2018.
This is a video diary project that will enable participants to make a short film, supported over the year by industry professionals.
The shorts made during the project will form the basis for a feature film called Eighteen which will be shared at Film Festivals from autumn 2018 (including at Aesthetica, a prestigious festival based in York).
We are working with teenagers here in Yorkshire but we’ll also be working with teenagers internationally as online participants.
Yorkshire Group
Eighteen 17-year-olds, based within easy travelling distance of York, will be the very first to participate in the project. We asked to hear from anyone who was born in the year 2000 that was interested in getting involved and we recieved many great responses.
They’ll be using this incredible opportunity to develop film-making, storytelling and presenting/performing skills whilst being mentored by professionals. It’s a chance to make a film but to also make many new friends.
The York group will be part of the life of a professional theatre company for a year, and there may also be opportunities to travel to Forli in Italy and/or Marseille in France during this time as part of the PLATFORM shift+ project.
Online Group
For those that are turning 18 next year but would not be able to travel to York, they will work on the same tasks as our York group, sending in their work remotely.
Wherever they are in the world, they can take part in this unique project from January 2018 by connecting with us and following a series of online guidelines which will be available from December 2017. These guidelines will be co-devised with groups working on the project in York, Forli (Italy) and other partners that are to be confirmed.
We want to get the biggest picture possible of what it’s like to turn 18 in 2018.
If you or someone you know wants to take part, no matter where you are in the world, there’s still time.